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Sewer Rodding Services in McHenry County, IL

Your home’s sewer line is buried beneath the ground and designed to remove wastewater from your home safely. However, if it becomes clogged, you may be dealing with sewage backup inside your home. McHenry Plumbing provides sewer rodding services for homeowners in McHenry County, Lake County, IL, and surrounding communities. Sewer rodding is an effective and non-invasive way to identify blockages and remove them. If you have an issue with your plumbing, contact our team today to schedule your service.

Man with ground open unblocking a drain with a tool

What Are the Signs I Need Sewer Rodding Service?

While some DIY enthusiasts may consider tackling a plumbing project over the weekend, removing a blockage deep within your sewer line requires the proper experience, equipment, and licensing. Instead, save time and aggravation by hiring a local plumbing professional to complete the job. You can count on us to provide exceptional sewer rodding services if you’re experiencing the following issues with your drains:

  • Slow Draining – Sometimes, the clog can easily be removed with a drain snake. However, sewer rodding services are required if the blockage is located deeper in the pipes.
  • Gurgling Toilets – As water passes through the partial sewer blockage, air may make its way up the pipe, causing your toilet to gurgle. It’s one of the early signs of an issue with your plumbing.
  • Foul Smells – Persistent sewer odors, especially near drains, can be indicative of a clog preventing proper ventilation of your plumbing system.
  • Water Backup – Sewer water contains bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. Water will not properly drain if there’s a clog in your sewer line.

Schedule Your Sewer Rodding Services Today

Whether you’ve just noticed that your drains aren’t flowing as quickly or have sewer water spilling into your bathroom floor, we’re the team you can trust. As a locally-owned and family-operated business, you can always count on us to be there when you need us most. We take the time to understand the issue you’re experiencing and deploy the right solutions to fix your drains. Our team stays up-to-date on all the latest plumbing technology and trends to ensure the project is completed quickly and completely. Don’t ignore issues with your drains. Contact our plumbing team today to get started.

Contact the Experts for All Your Plumbing, Sewer & Drain Needs